Iron Supplements for Anemia Treatment

There are many ways to treat iron deficiency anemia. One of the most common ways is to take iron supplements for anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is not dangerous but if left untreated can cause fatigue and weakness. Anemia is usually treated with iron supplements.
If you have had an iron deficiency anemia, then you will need to know how much iron you should take, and when to take it. To calculate the required iron intake, you need to multiply your age in months by the recommended daily allowance of iron for an adult of that age, divided by 12. However, if you have a history of anemia in the family, then you may need larger doses or higher amounts of iron per day, than the amounts usually given to people of normal health. Be careful not to double the amount of iron you are taking for anemia, as this can cause medical complications.
There are several forms of iron supplements for anemia available on the market today. One of the more popular ones is a tablet. Tablets are easier for people to swallow and don't lose their effectiveness over time like powder-based supplements do. Some are even made to look like candy.
The different types of iron supplements for anemia are based on the amount of iron that is found in various foods. The best one for you will be determined by your needs. The recommended dietary allowance of iron is for everyone to have about five milligrams of iron per day. That is about the amount of iron found in three ounces of spinach. Most of us do not need more than that. But those who have an iron deficiency anemia might need more.
An interesting twist on the iron supplements for anemia is the use of magnetic iron pills. These pills contain metallic iron that has been chemically bound to prominence in herbs to enhance their ability to bind with the iron in the blood stream. This allows the iron to be absorbed more efficiently by the body.
One important note to remember about iron supplements for anemia - they only relieve symptoms. They do not actually cure the disease. However, if taken as directed and in the right amounts, they can lessen the severity and length of the symptoms, depending on the iron deficiency anemia that one may have. If one is pregnant or breast feeding, it is better to stay away from iron pills as these could be extremely toxic to these delicate stages.
There are also other ways to treat iron deficiencies, besides taking iron supplements for anemia. Vitamin C and Zinc supplements have been known to alleviate the symptoms of anemia. Magnesium has also been used for this purpose in Ayurvedic medicine. However, the effectiveness of these treatments is dependent on their absorption rate by the body.
For those who have chronic diseases or those who cannot take iron supplements for anemia, there are certain measures one can take to improve the absorption of nutrients in the blood. Eating leafy green vegetables and fruits are a good way to improve the absorption of iron into the bloodstream. Drinking lots of water also improves absorption. Herbal teas also help in this process as many herbs contain medicinal properties that aid in treating iron deficiencies. If one is suffering from anemia, one should immediately consult a doctor to ensure proper treatment.
Babies suffering from anemia may also be given iron supplements for anemia. It is usually given intravenously or intramuscularly. Iron usually starts to work in the body only after about six weeks. Once enough iron is accumulated in the blood, it helps improve the red color of the extremities, such as the hands and feet. It also helps reduce inflammation, which is associated with anemia.
While iron supplements for anemia are usually given intravenously, some babies might also be given orally. Iron pills are also available in the market for this purpose. Iron usually takes about thirty to forty hours to start working in the body. It helps alleviate the anemia symptoms almost immediately. However, prolonged use might lead to some side effects, which should be discussed with the doctor.
Although there are plenty of iron supplements for anemia available in the market, the efficiency of such medicines usually depends on the nutritional needs of the patient. A nutritional deficiency of iron can lead to severe complications. Before starting an iron supplements for anemia treatment, a doctor might need to check your condition first.